Healthier tomorrow; Younger next year

Great idea; actually believe title of a good, readable book on living that way. (Search on amazon.)

Today, though my goal is to cover the forces working against your awareness and understanding of this and the prevailing paradigm out there called ObamaCare, but more so, the corporate interests and control of you though propaganda, mainstream media, the entire health establishment literally an entrenched disease management and slow death of you and yours.

Do not miss this: they MANAGE DISEASE, they do not prevent, treat or reverse illness or disease.

YOU CAN; that is the end result of this article.  More on that in a bit.

It is difficult to know where to start.  the medical establishment is, like any long established institution, entrenched, practicing medicine that, by any objective criteria, is killing people at unprecedented ways. It is now know that doctors and hospitals are now #1 cause of death to Americas, beating out cancer and heart disease.  It is now known that the other top 10 causes like cancer and heart disease can be reduced by 1/2 or 3/4 from life style, diet and nutritional actions that any individual can take, but are denied, poo-pooed by doctors, nurses and hospitals.  The countless research studies demonstrating the strength of the above are now out there via the Internet, but the dumbing-down of Americans in general and the lowered IQ of recent generations and people in general, again due to nutritional deficiencies—reversible, but still present today—are acting against each of you.

I could write about the deliberate over-arching eugenics plan to bring you to your knees as a people, as a country, I could talk about Break Away Civilizations or potential old old species behind this that see humans as cattle or less, but already I can see the eyes rolling, thinking I am going out to far on the fringe…

So, back to basics.  Only a thinking man or a thinking woman who iQ has not been damaged to the point of idiocy( lack of necessary iodine, shown via studies out, have lowered IQ of boys 20+% and girls 15%!  Sad but now known), who can see that living on the doctors actions of drugging you with one, two or up to now an average of seven drugs(!) for those over 50, that this is not what God wanted or how we should live out our days.  Drugs do not treat the underlying root cause of whatever your illness is or the disease, but aggravates and depletes ever more so the actual nutrients needed to get better, but alas, you have been given something that accelerates the illness or disease and leads to even faster demise of your health over time!!!

Want to question this?  Want to test or assess the validity of what i am sharing with you? Well, it can be done. 

Before saying how, let me ask; how long will you watch yourself get worse after starting on your doctors program of drugs for whatever you condition? 

Its your body, your life.  After being on the drugs for a year, two years or a decade, are you feeling better?  Living a higher quality of life? 

Or did you accept your doctors  words that you are just getting older, it is in your genes or whatever excuse he or she has to continue to charge you gobs and gobs of $$$, charging the insurance company exorbitant fees based on a formula worked out between them?  robbing the masses for monthly fees and applying it to the ever increasing slow-dying crowd called patients taking drugs and having  endless operations/surgery on their bodies?

If you go to the doctor at 30-40 years of age and he/she says you are a diabetic type II, you have just become a $300,000 cash flow over the remainder of your life, with vision loss, limbs being cut-off and then you die.  Cancer is worth more, arthritis worth a bit less, but each illness and disease has a life-value based on your age and sex that the doctor and hospital system knows will flow in over the next years and decades.  Surely you know that whatever amount of $$$ an illness or disease is worth to the system, that 90% of that value takes place in the last six months of your life as they accelerate the treatments knowing the end is coming.

And you can be avoid all of this.  You can take actions yourself that will not only keep you off drugs, but out of the doctors office and living a more energetic life, healthier life, looking and feeling younger each year in the future than the last, higher quality of life compared to those of your age group or on the doctors drugs. 


There are a few simple actions you can take.  You have read some of them like eating more fruits and vegetables, exercising, etc. 

You have heard the value of starting to drink green smoothies instead of eating the fruits and vegetables.  One reason this is better is that the body can more easily absorb the nutrients, but equally important is that most people have damaged intestines and the bio-availability due to the damage done to your small intestines over years of eating damaged grains in your foods decreases your ability to absorb nutrients.

Then there is the reality that the government approved food groups can no longer provide the minerals needed to live a healthy life!!!

Damn, the fruits and vegetables can not longer provide the vitamins and minerals due to these nutrients missing in the very soil in which they are grown.

If you stop eating foods that gum-up your body, causing pro-oxidant damage, you will feel better, live healthier.  The average person needs 5,000 to 10,000 anti-oxidants, but are consuming 1-2 thousand.  That means you have created a deficit of 3-9 thousand a day for years!!!  And all that crap is clogging up your body, causing endless complications whether skin conditions, arthritis, blood, heart conditions, memory damage, brain damage, gut problems and much much more.

So, you need to increase your anti oxidant levels to the 50,000 -100,000 DAILY for weeks and months to start to reverse the years, if not decades of damage in your body.

Then there is moving to a ketogenic diet based on fats and proteins and away from sugar-based energy stores for the body.  This alone, but in combination with the above, can treat, definitely prevent but more importantly REVERSE most conditions, even CANCER, in almost all cases, except late stage IV.

But underlying all of this is a full compliment of minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and proteins to complement your improved diet that shuns gluten/grains, that moves toward non processed foods, organic fruits and vegetables.

Then there is vitamin C in mega doses, for daily consumption and even greater doses for treatment if not reversal of many illnesses/diseases.  But that is another topic or read some of my other blogs here or elsewhere by Wulirider.

Ok.  Hope you found something of value in my ramblings today.
